About Us

Cyrus Cloud Solutions, LLC

At Cyrus Cloud Solutions, we are committed to delivering top-tier cloud solutions that empower businesses to scale efficiently and effectively. Our mission is to provide reliable, secure, and user-friendly cloud-based systems that drive growth and productivity. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovation, we create systems that are designed for the future, allowing your business to adapt and thrive in a fast-paced digital world. We take pride in offering robust solutions that prioritize data security, system scalability, and seamless integration. Cyrus Cloud Solutions is not just about offering services - we build partnerships that foster success and pave the way for digital transformation.


Aria Bagheri, CEO

Aria Bagheri, a seasoned software engineer and CEO of Cyrus Cloud Solutions, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the technology industry. Based in NYC, Aria has built an impressive career over the past 8 years, during which he has been recognized with multiple awards for his innovative security system projects. As a visionary and technologist, Aria continues to break boundaries in his dual role as the Chief Software Engineer at Sendsational Inc. His expertise in driving tech strategies to deliver on business objectives is a testament to his leadership in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. With a dedication to innovation, Aria is committed to developing solutions that are not only secure but also enhance business productivity and efficiency.

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Alessio Romeo, President

Alessio Romeo is a technology innovator and the President of Cyrus Cloud Solutions. With a track record of implementing cutting-edge solutions, Alessio has gained a reputation for leading complex technology initiatives with a focus on innovation and excellence. His leadership style, which combines a clear vision of the industry's future with a relentless drive for improvement, has been a key factor in the company's growth and success. Alongside his role at Cyrus Cloud Solutions, Alessio has demonstrated his commitment to nurturing talent and fostering innovation in the tech community. He is deeply dedicated to creating an environment that encourages creativity and cooperation, which he believes are the foundations of any successful company in the tech industry.

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